In Calgary Alberta, we understand the troubles of winter temperatures and the affects of winter weather on your roof. We also have the added benefit of Chinook’s, which bring in short stints of warmer weather. During this fluctuation of extreme cold and warming weather, its always a great idea to ensure your home is in […]
Car Insurance Tips When Moving
Whether you are moving locally or to a new province there are some key factors to consider when moving that will affect your car insurance. With so many things to do and consider, this process is simple. Here is a list of tips to make things simpler: Get in touch with your insurance broker […]

Road Trip Insurance Tips
Planning a road trip this summer? Check out some of commonly asked questions and our answers. Summertime is a great time to get out and explore the province, the country and to enjoy visiting our neighbours down south. There are many great places to drive and enjoy the countryside. However, you may be someone that […]
Five Reasons to Use an Insurance Broker When Looking for Insurance
Though digital media has made it easy to buy insurance, the multiple options have made it impossible to find the right insurance for your individual needs. When looking for auto insurance, many people tend to go to a quote comparison website and often select the cheapest option available. However, in doing so, you are missing […]
5 Tips to Get Your Vehicle Ready for Summer
With summer just around the corner it’s time to get our vehicles ready for the summer ahead! In Calgary and throughout Alberta, our summers are typically a little delayed and shorter than the rest of Canada. That being said, it is still important to “summarize” your vehicles. There are several ways to get your vehicle […]
Car Insurance and Demerit Points
Alberta Demerit Points and How They Affect Your Car Insurance Many drivers in Calgary and throughout Alberta are aware of “Demerit Points”, these are points against your driver’s license resulting from poor driving habits. When it comes to car insurance, there are various traffic and driving violations that will affect your driving history and may […]

How to buy Motorcycle Insurance in Calgary Alberta
In Alberta, heading out for a ride is a popular hobby, whether it is a form of transportation, seeing the sights of the countryside or for experienced riders, long trips across the country and south. Everyone who drives a motorcycle knows the season is short and limited to spring, summer and early fall, so it’s […]
Uber Ridesharing Insurance in Calgary
Uber Ridesharing – Insurance for Uber Ride Sharing in Calgary Uber Ridesharing, is becoming very popular as a convenient form of transportation as well as a popular job opportunity for people that own and operate their own vehicle. Uber drivers are happy to know that drivers and passengers in Calgary can now find an […]
Tips for driving with Family Members
In Calgary, our winters can be longer than most provinces, when we start to plan for spring break and summer holidays we often think of where we will travel to and how we will get there. Road trips are a popular way for families to travel, see the sites and spend quality time together. On […]
Winter Driving in Calgary
Winter Driving Tips in Calgary, Alberta As the holiday season approaches, many more drivers are on the road to travel to see family and friends, it is important to understand that our weather conditions can change very quickly and to be prepared. During these cold winter months and throughout the holidays it is important to […]